Loctite 222 Threadlocker


Loctite 222 Threadlocker

Loctite 222 is a low-strength threadlocker that is ideal for low-strength metals, which could fracture during disassembly, e.g. aluminum or brass. Some common applications include adjustment of screws including countersunk head screws and setscrews, on collars, pulleys, tool holders and controllers.


  • Prevents loosening and leakage from shock & vibration: It occupies all gaps between mating threads and cures into a hard thermoset plastic that strengthens against shock and vibration.
  • Low strength: It is suitable for applications that need frequent disassembly, as it can be easily removed using standard hand tools and for metals prone to shearing.
  • Bonds well despite minor surface contamination due to industrial oils, e.g. motor oils, corrosion prevention oils and cutting fluids.
  • Works well on even passive metal surfaces like stainless steel, aluminum and plated surfaces.
  • Fluorescent: It has a characteristic purple colour that fluoresces under UV light. This helps during service to detect as to whether the product had been applied.


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